Errors in Immigration Processing

[6-January-15 12:19:34]
As a firm who handles immigration litigation, one of our long time challenges has been to respond to clients who are told that pursuing litigation...


Long Delay in Citizenship Processing

[31-December-14 20:50:18]
In a recent article, Metro News http://metronews.ca/news/canada/1249955/new-canadian-questions-reasons-for-long-delay-in-getting-citizenship/, questions the reasons for the long delay in citizenship applications. We know the answer. The answer is found...

Immigrant in Polygamous and Forced Marriages

[14-November-14 21:09:27]
http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/chris-alexander-to-ban-immigrants-in-polygamous-forced-marriages-1.2824320 The announcement of changes to ban “immigrant in polygamous, forced marriages” seems to be little more than an election-time promise.  It has to be...