
New Canadian Citizenship Act – What’s Your Intent?

As promised, we will discuss in greater detail one of the biggest problems that the section of the new Citizenship Act, which is not yet in force, will present to applicants for Canadian citizenship. The problems are to be found in S. 3 (C) (c.1) of the new Act, which reads: (c) is a permanent resident…


Errors in Immigration Processing

As a firm who handles immigration litigation, one of our long time challenges has been to respond to clients who are told that pursuing litigation of negative decisions by immigration officials is futile. We have always stated that it is not. Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) does make mistakes, and the following article by Nicholas…


Long Delay in Citizenship Processing

In a recent article, Metro News http://metronews.ca/news/canada/1249955/new-canadian-questions-reasons-for-long-delay-in-getting-citizenship/, questions the reasons for the long delay in citizenship applications. We know the answer. The answer is found (in large part) in an Operational Bulletin which was released by Citizenship and Immigration in May, 2012. Operational Bulletin 407, directs CIC to send out a second Residency Questionnaires to…


Immigrant in Polygamous and Forced Marriages

http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/chris-alexander-to-ban-immigrants-in-polygamous-forced-marriages-1.2824320 The announcement of changes to ban “immigrant in polygamous, forced marriages” seems to be little more than an election-time promise.  It has to be because the idea seems unnecessary and redundant, as the Act and Regulations already preclude spousal sponsorships by Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents who have more than one spouse at the…